How Social Warming can help you beat “the great ignore” - Viktor Hatfaludi

Sending more emails will be the reason you miss target in 2025.

For the past two years we’ve been told that AI won’t replace sales reps. Sales reps will be replaced by other reps who adopt AI in their work.

But instead of using AI to speed up standard repetitive tasks it’s been used to send thousands of emails a week across 10+ inboxes - and now we’re experiencing “the great ignore”.

Now even the most personal and well-written email has a tough time landing in the inbox let alone getting seen.

But there’s a better way to get replies. One where you end up sending fewer emails.

It’s called social warm-up. In this masterclass co-hosted with @ViktorFromSales, we’ll cover what this is, why it works, and how to use it to start more conversations with lower volume.

:point_right: Here is the recording

This ain’t a popular opinion these days, can’t wait to attend it !